PROF. DR. AHMET AKMANSpezialist für Augengesundheit und -krankheitenMenü
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Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akman

prof-dr-ahmet-akmanAhmet Akman, MD Professor für Augenheilkunde

Prof. DR. Ahmet Akman ist die erste Wahl für alle, die einen Augenarzt mit beispielloser Expertise in der Katarakt- und Glaukomchirurgie suchen.

Mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung auf diesem Gebiet ist er ein hoch angesehener und versierter Praktiker, der sich einen Ruf für Exzellenz erworben hat.

Er hat über 200 Artikel im In- und Ausland veröffentlicht und ist Autor des international gefeierten Buches „OCT in Glaucoma“. DR. Akman bietet regelmäßig Kurse zum Thema OCT (Optische Kohärenztomographie) an der American Academy of Ophthalmology an.

Er schloss 1991 sein Medizinstudium an der Englischen Medizinischen Fakultät der Hacettepe-Universität ab, nachdem er 1985 seinen Abschluss am TED Ankara College gemacht hatte. 1995 schloss er sein Studium der Augenheilkunde an der Medizinischen Fakultät der Hacettepe-Universität ab.

Im Laufe seiner Karriere war Dr. Akman war mit der Abteilung für Augenheilkunde der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Ankara Başkent verbunden. Im Jahr 2000 erhielt er den Titel eines außerordentlichen Professors und wurde 2007 Professor für Augenheilkunde. Er hat außerdem an der Duke University in North Carolina, USA, Forschungen zum Thema Glaukom durchgeführt.

Im Jahr 2018, nach 23 Jahren an der medizinischen Fakultät der Başkent-Universität, hat Dr. Akman eröffnete seine Privatklinik, um sich stärker auf die Patientenversorgung zu konzentrieren und einen qualitativ hochwertigeren Service zu bieten.

Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung auf diesem Gebiet ist Dr. Akman hat mehr als 200.000 Patienten untersucht und über 40.000 Katarakt- und Glaukomoperationen durchgeführt.

Wichtige akademische Erfolge


  • Mitglied der American Cataract and Refractive Surgery Association; fungiert als Sitzungsleiter und präsentiert wissenschaftliche Studien auf den jährlichen ASCRS-Konferenzen.
  • Fachwissen über Trifokallinsen (Smart Lenses) und torische Linsen zur Astigmatismuskorrektur; Häufig als Gastredner zu nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen eingeladen.
  • Einer der erfahrensten Chirurgen in der Türkei in der Femtosekundenlaser-unterstützten Kataraktchirurgie (FLACS); verfügt über zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge zum Thema.
  • Aktives Mitglied der Abteilung für Katarakt- und refraktive Chirurgie der türkischen Ophthalmologie-Vereinigung.


  • Veröffentlichte 2018 das erste englischsprachige Glaukombuch eines türkischen Autors, „Optical Coherence Tomography in Glaucoma“, im Springer-Verlag.
  • Leitender Dozent des von ihm geplanten und organisierten OCT-Kurses, an dem jährlich 30.000 Augenärzte auf dem Kongress der American Academy of Ophthalmology teilnehmen.
  • Mitglied der European Glaucoma Society, der World Glaucoma Association und des Overseas Relations Executive Board der Turkish Ophthalmology Association.


In seiner frühen Karriere war Dr. Akman arbeitete an Netzhauterkrankungen wie Makuladegeneration, Netzhautrissen und diabetischen Augenproblemen; hat zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Artikel zu medizinischen Netzhauterkrankungen veröffentlicht.

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

  • 50 Forschungsarbeiten in internationalen, von Experten begutachteten Fachzeitschriften mit fast 900 Zitaten.
  • Über 70 Forschungsartikel in nationalen, von Experten begutachteten wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften.
  • Präsentierte über 100 Vorträge auf internationalen Konferenzen.
  • Gastredner auf mehr als 50 nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen und Panels.
  • Seit 2005 wurden mehr als 25 Artikel für die Publikation Ophthalmology der American Academy of Ophthalmology begutachtet.
  • Seit 2010 war er als Peer-Reviewer für das Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery tätig, eine gemeinsame Veröffentlichung der American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery und der
  • European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.
  • Mitglied im Redaktionsausschuss und Peer-Reviewer für mehrere andere internationale und nationale wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften.

Professionelle Mitgliedschaft

  • Amerikanische Akademie für Augenheilkunde
  • Amerikanische Gesellschaft für Katarakt- und refraktive Chirurgie
  • Fellow des American College of Surgeons
  • Europäische Gesellschaft für Katarakt- und refraktive Chirurgie
  • Europäische Glaukom-Gesellschaft
  • Weltglaukom-Vereinigung
  • 24-jähriges Mitglied der Türkischen Ophthalmologie-Vereinigung
  • Aktives Mitglied der Abteilung für Glaukom und Katarakt der Türkischen Ophthalmologie-Vereinigung
  • Vorstandsmitglied und Schatzmeister der Ankara-Zweigstelle der türkischen Ophthalmologie-Vereinigung


  • Hürriyet: Vorsicht vor jungen Menschen, die zu viel Zeit vor digitalen Bildschirmen verbringen!
  • CnnTürk: Worauf junge Leute achten sollten, die zu viel Zeit vor Bildschirmen verbringen!

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Abteilung für Augenheilkunde

  • Baskent-Universität Fevzi Cakmak Cad. 10. Sokak Nr. 45 Ankara Türkei
  • Telefon: +90 506 6128483


  • MD, Hacettepe-Universität, Ankara, Türkei 1985-1991


  • Residenz, Hacettepe-Universität/Abt. of Ophthalmology, Ankara, Türkei 1991-1995
  • Praktikum, Hacettepe-Universität, Ankara, Türkei 1990-1991

Akademische Termine

  • Professor für Augenheilkunde, Universität Baskent, Ankara, Türkei 2007–2016
  • Außerordentlicher Professor der Abteilung für Augenheilkunde, Baskent-Universität, Ankara, Türkei 2000-2007
  • Assistenzprofessor der Abteilung für Augenheilkunde, Baskent-Universität, Ankara, Türkei 1998-2000
  • Augenarzt, Abteilung für Augenheilkunde, Universität Baskent, Ankara, Türkei 1996-1998


Direktor, Glaukomabteilung der Universität Baskent/Abteilung für Augenheilkunde, Ankara, Türkei 1998–2016

Professionelle Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten

  • Mitglied der Türkischen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft , Glaukom-Subspezialitätsgruppe der Türkischen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (2000–2015),1991–2016
  • American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons 2013–2016
  • American Academy Ophthalmology 2000-2005

Redaktionelle Verantwortung

  • Ophthalmologie (Journal of American Academy Ophthalmology),Rezensent 2004–2015
  • Journal of Cataracat and Refractive Surgery),Rezensent 2005–2016
  • Glaukom-Katarakt, Herausgebergremium 2009–2016


Peer Review (International)

  1. Akman A, Asena L, Güngör SG. Evaluation and comparison of the new swept source OCT-based IOLMaster 700 with the IOLMaster 500. Br J Ophthalmol. 2016 Sep;100(9):1201-5
  2. Gür Güngör S, Akman A, Küçüködük A, Asena L, Şimşek C, Yazici AC. Non-Contact and Contact Tonometry in Corneal Edema. Optom Vis Sci. 2016 Jan;93(1):50-6
  3. Asena L, Güngör SG, Akman A. Comparison of keratometric measurements obtained by the Verion Image Guided System with optical biometry and auto-keratorefractometer. Int Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun 7. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Gungor SG, Bulam B, Akman A, Colak M. Comparison of intracameral dexamethasone and intracameral triamcinolone acetonide injection at the end of phacoemulsification surgery. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2014 Aug;62(8):861-4.
  5. Bayar SA, Pinarci EY, Karabay G, Akman A, Oto S, Yilmaz G. Clear lens phacoemulsification in Alport syndrome: refractive results and electron microscopic analysis of the anterior lens capsule. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 May-Jun;24(3):345-51.
  6. Güngör SG, Akman A, Yazici AC. Comparison of Intraocular Pressure Measurements Between Goldmann Applanation Tonometry and Reichert 7 Noncontact Tonometry. J Glaucoma. 2013 Oct 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24145288.
  7. Aktas Z, Yuksel N, Kula S, Akman A, Hasanreisoglu B. Childhood glaucoma as an ophthalmic manifestation of Seckel syndrome. J Glaucoma. 2013 Apr-May;22(4):e3-4.
  8. Borazan M, Karalezli A, Kucukerdonmez C, Bayraktar N, Kulaksizoglu S, Akman A, Akova YA. Aqueous humor and plasma levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and nitric oxide in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. J Glaucoma. 2010 Mar;19(3):207-11.
  9. Karalezli A, Borazan M, Kucukerdonmez C, Akman A, Akova YA. Effect of intracameral triamcinolone acetonide on postoperative intraocular pressure after cataract surgery. Eye (Lond). 2010 Apr;24(4):619-23
  10. Altan-Yaycioglu R, Gedik S, Pelit A, Akova YA, Akman A. Clinical factors associated with floppy iris signs: a prospective study from two centers. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2009 May-Jun;40(3):232-8.
  11. Cetinkaya A, Akman A, Take G, Bilezikci B, Akova YA. Ciliary body toxicity of subconjunctival suramin compared with mitomycin-C in the rabbit eye: determining the toxic concentration. Ophthalmic Res. 2009;41(2):91-7.
  12. Borazan M, Karalezli A, Akova YA, Akman A, Kiyici H, Erbek SS. Efficacy of olopatadine HCI 0.1%, ketotifen fumarate 0.025%, epinastine HCI 0.05%, emedastine 0.05% and fluorometholone acetate 0.1% ophthalmic solutions for seasonal allergic conjunctivitis: a placebo-controlled environmental trial. Acta Ophthalmol. 2009 Aug;87(5):549-54.
  13. Borazan M, Karalezli A, Akman A, Akova YA. Effect of antiglaucoma agents on postoperative intraocular pressure after cataract surgery with Viscoat. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2007 Nov;33(11):1941-5.
  14. Cetinkaya A, Oto S, Akman A, Akova YA. Relationship between optokinetic nystagmus response and recognition visual acuity. Eye (Lond). 2008 Jan;22(1):77-81. Epub 2006 Aug 11.
  15. Altan-Yaycioglu R, Gencoglu EA, Akova YA, Dursun D, Cengiz F, Akman A. Silicone versus collagen plugs for treating dry eye: results of a prospective randomized trial including lacrimal scintigraphy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Jul;140(1):88-93.
  16. Akman A, Yılmaz G, Oto S, Akova YA: Pupil dilatation methods. Ophthalmology 2005:112(5):949-950.
  17. Akman A, Yilmaz G, Oto S, Akova YA. Comparison of various pupil dilatation methods for phacoemulsification in eyes with a small pupil secondary to pseudoexfoliation. Ophthalmology. 2004 Sep;111(9):1693-8.
  18. Cetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova YA. Effect of topical brinzolamide 1% and brimonidine 0.2% on intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2004 Aug;30(8):1736-41.
  19. Akman A, Cetinkaya A, Akova YA, Ertan A. Comparison of additional intraocular pressure-lowering effects of latanoprost vs brimonidine in primary open-angle glaucoma patients with intraocular pressure uncontrolled by timolol-dorzolamide combination. Eye (Lond). 2005 Feb;19(2):145-51.
  20. Akman A, Bozbeyoglu S, Akova YA. Glare disability in patients with hydrophilic and hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens implants. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2004 Jan-Feb;14(1):14-8.
  21. 2Akman A, Bilezikçi B, Küçükerdönmez C, Demirhan B, Aydin P. Suramin modulates wound healing of rabbit conjunctiva after trabeculectomy: comparison with mitomycin C. Curr Eye Res. 2003 Jan;26(1):37-43.
  22. Akman A, Akova YA. Trypan-blue-assisted capsulorhexis for trainee phacoemulsification surgeons. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003 May;29(5):861-2.
  23. Akbulut A, Tayanç E, Cetinkaya A, Akman A, Yilmaz G, Oto S, Akova Y, Aydin P, Haberal M. Results of cataract surgery in renal transplantation patients. Eye (Lond). 2003 Apr;17(3):346-9.
  24. Akman A, Varan B, Akova YA, Aydin P. Ocular involvement in siblings with familial mediterranean fever. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 2001 Mar-Apr;38(2):114-6.
  25. Oruç S, Sener EC, Akman A, Sanaç AS. Bilateral orbital hemorrhage induced by labor. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2001 Jan-Mar;11(1):77-9.
  26. Ciftçi F, Akman A, Sönmez M, Unal M, Güngör A, Yaylali V. Systematic, combined treatment approach to nasolacrimal duct obstruction in different age groups. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2000 Oct-Dec;10(4):324-9.
  27. Akman A, Akova YA, Yücel E, Aydin P. Granulomatous anterior uveitis in a patient with CREST syndrome. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2000 Sep;8(3):201-3.
  28. Aydin P, Oram O, Akman A, Dursun D. Effect of wind instrument playing on intraocular pressure. J Glaucoma. 2000 Aug;9(4):322-4.
  29. Akman A, Akbatur H, Yılmaz G Aydın P: Peripheral idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Eye 2000:4;680-681.
  30. Varan B, Akman A, Coskun M, Sağduyu M, Aydın P: Joubert syndrome: A rare cause of hypotonia and developmental delay in infancy and childhood. Eastern Journal of medicine. 2001;6;22:58-60.
  31. Dursun D, Akova YA, Akman A, Oto S, Aydin P. Complications of extracapsular cataract surgery in chronic renal failure patients. Eye (Lond). 2000 Apr;14 ( Pt 2):176-9.
  32. Akman A, Aydin P. Comparison of mydriatic efficacy of spray application and drop instillation of tropicamide 1%. Eye (Lond). 1999 Oct;13 ( Pt 5):653-5.
  33. Ergin NT, Akman A, Aktaş A, Aydin P, Akkuzu B. [Evaluation of nasolacrimal duct function in chronic paranasal sinus infections with 99mTc dacryoscintigraphy]. Laryngorhinootologie. 1999 Jul;78(7):382-6. German.
  34. Kadayifcilar S, Akman A, Aydin P. Indocyanine green angiography of optic nerve head melanocytoma. Eur J Ophthalmol. 1999 Jan-Mar;9(1):68-70.
  35. Akman A, Kadayifçilar S, Oto S, Aydin P. Indocyanine green angiographic features of traumatic choroidal ruptures. Eye (Lond). 1998;12 ( Pt 4):646-50.
  36. Akman A, Kadayifçilar S, Aydin P. Indocyanine green angiographic findings in a case of punctate inner choroidopathy. Eur J Ophthalmol. 1998 Jul-Sep;8(3):191-4.
  37. Akman A, Irkeç M, Orhan M, Erdener U. Effect of lodoxamide on tear leukotriene levels in giant papillary conjunctivitis associated with ocular prosthesis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 1998 Sep;6(3):179-84.
  38. Akman A, Irkeç M, Orhan M. Effects of lodoxamide, disodium cromoglycate and fluorometholone on tear leukotriene levels in vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Eye (Lond). 1998;12 ( Pt 2):291-5.
  39. Akman A, Kadayifçilar S, Aydin P. Effects of hypertension on the retinal vein width at the retinal arterio-venous crossings. Eur J Ophthalmol. 1998 Apr-Jun;8(2):71-5.
  40. Akman A, Oram O, Aydin P. Optic disc measurements with the 78 diopter lens, Zeiss 4-mirror contact lens and computerized image analysing system. Eur JOphthalmol. 1998 Jan-Mar;8(1):22-7.
  41. Akman A, Dayanir V, Sener EC, Sanaç AS. Acquired Duane's retraction syndrome. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. 1996 Jul-Aug;33(4):267-9.

Weitere Vorträge, Poster und Abstracts (International)


  1. Akman A, Oram O, Aydın P, Dursun D: Comparison of the optic disc measurement with the 78 D. lens, Zeiss 4-mirror contact lens and computerized image analysing system. XI. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Budapest, Hungary, 1997.
  2. Akman A, Kadayıfçılar S, Aydın P: Effects of the Retinal Vein Width at the Retinal Arteriovenous Crossings. XI
  3. Dursun D, Akman A, Kadayıfçılar S, Aydın P: Serous retinal detachment in chronic renal failure. XI. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology, Budapeşte, Macaristan, 1997.
  4. Aydın P, Kadayıfcılar S, Akman A : Oral fluorescein fundus angiography in optic disc pathologies. Neuro-Ophthalmology (INOS),Dublin, Ireland 1998
  5. Aydın P, Kadayıfcılar S, Akman A : Indocyanin green angiography in optic disc pathologies. Neuro-Ophthalmology 1998 (INOS),Dublin, Ireland
  6. Engin NT, Akman A, Aktaş A, Akkuzu B, Aydın P: 99m Tc lacrimal dacryoscintigraphy in patients with chronic paranasal sinus infections. XVIIth European Rhnologic Society. International Symposium on Infection and Alergy of the Nose. July 1998. Vienna, Austria.
  7. Kadayıfçılar S, Akova Y, Akman A, Aydın P: Angiographic appearance of a case with peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy. XXVIIIth International Congress of Ophthalmology.21-26 June 1998. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  8. Çakmakcı S, Akman A, Aydın P: Establishment of total quality management program and ISO 9001 certification in a university . XIIth Congress of European Society of Ophthalmology June 27-July 1 1999, Stockholm, Sweden
  9. Akova Y, Akman A, Varan B: Ocular involvement in two siblings with Familial Mediterranean Fever. October 25,1999 American Academy ophthalmology Meeting, Orlando, Florida
  10. Kucukerdonmez C, Akova Y, Akman A, Aydın P: Effectiveness of suture adjustment in penetrating keratoplasty. 3rd International Conference on Cornea, Eye Banking and External Diseases International Federation of Eye Banks. Istanbul, Turkey, July 13-16, 2000
  11. Aydın P, Akman A, Kucukerdonmez C: High-pass resolution perimetry in normal tension glaucoma. International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society INOS-2000 September 10-13, 2000 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  12. Aydın P, Akman A, Cengiz F: Assessment of visual fields with high pass resolution perimetry in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society INOS-2000 September 10-13, 2000 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  13. Akova Y, Küçükerdönmez C, Akman A, Aydın P: Effectiveness of postoperative suture adjustment in penetrating keratoplasty. Symposium on Cataract IOL and Refractive Surgery. San Diego, CA, USA April 28-May 2, 2001
  14. Yaylalı V, Demirlenk İ, Esme A, Özbay D, Akman A, Yıldırım C, Özden S:Comparison of surgically induced astigmatism after the use of unfolder injector system and implantation forceps. . XIII. Congress of the Europen Society of Ophthalmology 3-7 June 2001 Istanbul-Turkey
  15. Aydın P, Cengiz F, Akman A: Assesment of visual fields with high-pass resolution perimetry in dysthyroid opthalmopaty. European Neuro-Ophthalmological Society EUNOS 2001 July 22-26, 2001 Tuebingen, Germany
  16. Akman A, Bozbeyoglu S, Yılmaz G, Oto S, Akova Y, Aydın P: Do different intraocular affect contrast sensivity? XIX Congress of the ESCRS September 2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands
  17. Akman A, Ertan A, Akova Y, Aydın A: Glare sensitivity results of different intraocular lenses. XIX Congress of the ESCRS September 2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands
  18. Evyapan O, Toygar B, Bahadır M, Akman A, Aydın P: Incidence of posterior capsule opacification following intracapsular implantation of PMMA, acrylic and slicon intraocular lenses.
  19. Evyapan O, Bahadır M Toygar B, Akman A, Aydın P: Sulcus implantation of foldable acrylic intraocular lenses in the presence of posterior capsular rupture and vitreus loss. XIX Congress of the ESRC September 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  20. Akman A, Ertan A, Aydın P: Opthimus Y-VA consrast sensitivity test. XIX Congress of the ESRC September 2001 Amsterdam, Netherlands
  21. Aydın P, Ertan A, Akman A, Oto S, Yılmaz G, Akova Y: Contrast sensivity effect of acrylic and PMMA IOLS. EVER 2001 Alicante, Spain
  22. Aydın P, Bozbeyoğlu S, Küçükerdönmez C, Akman A, Oto S, Yılmaz G, Akova Y: Glare sensivity results of different intraocular lenses. EVER 2001 Alicante,
  23. Küçükerdönmez C, Akova Y, Akman A, Aydın P: Effectiveness of suture adjustment in penetrating keratoplasty. 25 Years in Renal Transplantation 7-9 November 2001 Ankara, Turkey
  24. Akman A, Gedik Ş, Akova Y A: The comparison of Nd: Yag laser damage patterns on hydrophilic, hydrophobic acrylic, silicone and polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lenses. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. XX Congress of the ESCRS, 7-11 September 2002 Nice, France.
  25. Akman A, Çetinkaya A, Akova Y A: Effect of pupillary dilatation on glare disability results of eyes implanted with hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. XX Congress of the ESCRS, 7-11 September 2002 Nice, France.
  26. Akman A, Yılmaz G, Oto S, Gedik Ş, Akova Y A: Comparison of various pupil dilatation methods for phacoemulsification in eyes with pseudoexfoliation and smail pupils. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. XX Congress of the ESCRS, 7-11 September 2002 Nice, France.
  27. Akman A, Yılmaz G, Oto S, Akova Y: Comparison of various dilatation methods for phacoemulsification in eyes with small pupils and pseudoexfoliation. American Academy of Ophthalmology 2002 October 20-23 Orlando FL.
  28. Akova YA, Akman A, Cetinkaya A, Ertan A, Gedik S: Effect of Topical Brinzolamide 1% and Brimonidine 0.2% on IOP After Phacoemulsification. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. April 12-16. 2003 San Francisco, California, USA.
  29. Oto S, Çetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova Y: Interrelation of optokinetic nystagmus response and recognition visual acuity. 28th European Strabismological Association Meeting 2003 Bergen, Norway
  30. Akman A, Akca S, Akova YA: Relationship between central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure changes after phacoemulsification with clear corneal incision. ARVO 25-29 April 2004 Ft. Lauderdale USA.
  31. Oto S, Bozbeyoğlu S, Çetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova YA: Assesment of the depth of fixation preference in microtropia patients. European Strabismological Association Meeting 1-4 June 2004 İzmir, Turkey
  32. Akça S, Akman A, Akova YA: Relationship between central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure changes after phacoemulsification with clear corneal incision. XIII. Afro- Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. 18-22 June 2004 İstanbul.
  33. Çetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova YA, Take G, Bilezikci B: Evaluation of toxic concentration of subconjunctival suramin in comparison to mitomycin-C in the rabbit eye. ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 1-5 May 2005.
  34. Akca S, Akova YA Çetinkaya A, Akman A,: Clinical management of phacoemulsification in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. American Cataract and Refractive Surgery Congress April 15-20,2005 Washington
  35. Akça S, Çetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova YA, Oto S: Effect of viscoelastic type on postoperative IOP changes in IOP changes in IOL implantation. American Cataract and Refractive Surgery Congress April 15-20,2005 Washington
  36. Oto S, Kurtboğan E, Akova YA, Akman A, Gedik Ş, Akkoyun İ: Vitreous loss in phacoemulsification surgery. ASCRS. ASOA 17-22 March 2006, Moscone Center San Francisco, USA.
  37. Yaycıoğlu RA, Gedik Ş, Pelit A, Akova YA, Akman A: Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome in phacoemulsification: A prospective cohort stud from two centers. International refractive surgery: Art and science. 26-28 May Istanbul, Türkiye
  38. Gedik S, Akman A, Erkanlı L, Oto S, Kara E, Akova YA. The Quantitative evaluation of optic disc morphology in patients with papilledema of pseudotumor cerebri and pseudopapilledema of optic nerve head drusen by heidelberg retina tomography. EUNOS 26-29 may, 2007 İstanbul- Turkey
  39. Akman A. Ocular surface and its characteristics. Today & Future in Glaucoma. 30 May-2 June 2013,St.Petersburg. Russia
  40. Gungor SG, Akman A, Ozisik GG. Cup hemorrhage: Unusual form of the optic disc hemorrhage. Today & Future in Glaucoma. 30 May-2 June 2013,St.Petersburg. Russia
  41. Güngör SG, Sarıgül A, Akman A. Anterior chamber angle measurements with anterior-segment optical coherence tomography and 3D anterior chamber analyzer. Today & Future in Glaucoma. 30 May-2 June 2013,St.Petersburg, Russia.
  42. Akman A, Gür Güngör S, Çelebi N.Comparison of the effect of pupil dilatation to IOL Master keratometric values and correlation of these variations with keratometric data obtained by automated keratometer, and rotating Scheimpflug imaging system. ASCRS ASOA 2013 Symposium&Congress 19-13 April 2013, San Francisco, USA.
  43. Çelebi N, Akova YA, Akman A, Gür Güngör S. The Therapeutic Approach, Clinical Findings and Prognosis of Herpes Simplex Keratouveitis After Cataract Surgery. ASCRS ASOA 2013 Symposium&Congress 19-13 April 2013, San Francisco, USA.
  44. Gür Güngör S, Bulam B, Akman A. Comparison of Intracameral Dexamethasone and Intracameral Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection Following Cataract Surgery. ASCRS ASOA 2013 Symposium&Congress 19-13 April 2013, San Francisco, USA.
  45. Onur G, Sezin AB, Gülten K, Sibel O, Ahmet A, Gürsel G. Clear lens phacoemulsification in patients with Alport syndrome: Electron microscopic analysis of anterior lens capsule. ASCRS April 25-29, 2014 Boston, USA
  46. Akman A, Gür Güngör S, Aksoy M. Comparison of intraocular lens position after phacoemulsification surgery in pseudoexfoliative and normal eyes. ESCRS 2014, London, United Kingdom.


  1. Oram O, Aydın P, Kadayıfçılar S, Dursun D, Akman A: The effect of wind instrument playing on intraocular pressure. American Academy of Ophtalmology. October 1998. New Orleans, A.B.D.
  2. Aydın P. Akman A, Küçükerdönmez C: High-pass resolution perimetry in normal tension and primary open-angle glaucoma. Ever Palma de Mallorca 4-7 October 2000
  3. Akman A, Zeyneloglu P, Aral E, Dönmez A, Çetinkaya A, Aydın P: The comparison of remifentanil and propofol sedations in cataract surgery with peribulbar block. Amsterdam 2001 XIX Congress of the ESRC 1 st-5 th September 2001
  4. Akman A, Çetinkaya A, Ertan A, Gedik Ş, Akova Y A: Effect of topical brinzolomide 1% and brimonidine 0.2% on intraocular pressure after phaccoemulsification. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. XX Congress of the ESCRS, 7-11 September 2002 Nice, France.
  5. Akova Y A, Akman A, Çetinkaya A, Gedik Ş, Bozbeyoğlu S: One year clinical follow-up of a single piece hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens, bioacryl 60125. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. XX Congress of the ESCRS, 7-11 September 2002 Nice, France.
  6. Akman A, Çetinkaya A, Ertan A, Akova Y: Comparison of Additional IOP-Lowering Effects of Latanoprost vs. Brimonidine in POAG patients whose IOP are uncontrolled with Cosopt alone. American Academy of Ophthalmology 2002 October 20-23 Orlando USA.
  7. Çetinkaya A, Yılmaz G, Akman A, Akova YA: Effect intravitreal triamcinolone injections on intraocular pressure in patients with cystoid macular edema. EGS 2004 30 May-4 June Florence.
  8. Akman A, Akça S, Akova YA: Relationship between central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure changes after phacoemulsification with clear corneal incision. EGS 2004 30 May-4 June Florence, Italy.
  9. Kurtboğan E, Akman A, Akova YA: Relationship between central corneal thicness, intraocular pressure, and age in normal subjects. EGS 2004 30 May-4 June Florence, Italy.
  10. Gedik Ş, Akova YA, Akman A: Blebitis and hypotonia: Late stage complication after trabeculectomy. XIII. Afro- Asian Congress of Ophthalmology. 18-22 June 2004 İstanbul.
  11. Akman A, Akça S, Çetinkaya A, Akova YA: Clinical comparison of rebound tonometer with Goldmann applanation tonometer: Influence of central corneal thickness.World Glaucoma Congress July 6-9, 2005 Vienna, Austria
  12. Akman A, Çetinkaya A, Take G, Bilezikci B, Akova YA: Ciliary body toxicity of subconjunctival suramin in comparison to mitomycin-C in the rabbit eye: Determination of the toxic concentration. World Glaucoma Congress July 6-9, 2005 Vienna, Austria
  13. Akman A, Akça S, Çetinkaya A, Akova YA: The effect of central corneal thickness on IOP measurements with rebound tonometer and goldmann applanation tonometer: A comparative study. American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, 15-18 October 2005, Chicago USA.
  14. Akova YA, Akkoyun İ, Akman A: Intravitreal reinjection of triamcinolone for recurrent cystoid macular edema due to Behçet disease. American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, 15-18 October 2005, Chicago USA.
  15. Karabay G, Nacar A, Çetinkaya A, Akman A, Akova YA, Pelin C: Ultrastructural examination of suramin and mitomisin-c on cornea. 4th Asian-Pacific International Congress of Anatomists 7-10 September 2005 Kuşadası, Turkey.
  16. Gedik S, Oto S, Akman A, Akova YA. Efficiency of rarebit perimetry in the evaluation of patients with pseudotumor cerebri .EUNOS 26-29 may, 2007 İstanbul- Turkey
  17. Yaycioğlu RA, Gedik Ş, Pelit A, Akova YA, Akman A. Clinical factors associated with intraoperative floppy iris signs: a prospective study from two centers. SOE/AAO 2007 9-12 June 2007 Vienna, Austria
  18. Akman A, Aynaci KB, Akova YA. Relationship between rarebit perimetry and Heidelberg retinal tomography III parameters. European Glaucoma Society 9th Congress. Palacio de Congresos, 12-17 September 2010, Madrid, Spain.
  19. Akman A, Kilic I, Karalezli A, Borazan M, Akova YA. Effects of intracameral triamcinolone acetonide, dexamethasone and placebo on short-term intraocular pressure following uneventful phacoemulsification. European Glaucoma Society 9th Congress. Palacio de Congresos, 12-17 September 2010, Madrid, Spain.
  20. Akman A,  Gür Güngör S, Güneş Y. Phacoemulsification in a patient with intralenticular dexamethasone implant. ESCRS 13-17 September 2014, London , United Kingdom.

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